To be able to push sales from an external shop to the invoicesystem via Wisteria there is one initial step and a process that runs every day. Also there is a weekly or monthly report process.
The initial step
This is to connect the external shop to Wisteria and to connect Wisteria to the invoicesystem for the merchant.
Also in this step configurations are done to match the VATs in the external shop to VATs and ledgercodes in the invoicesystem
and to match paymentmethods in the external shop to debtors or ledger accounts in the invoicesystem.
The tools to use are the partner dashboard to create the unique clientid and clientsecret for the connection and
the administration dashboard to configure the connection with the invoicesystem.
The daily process
In the daily process webwinkelfacturen retrieves every hour sales from the Wisteria account and pushed these through to the invoicesystem.
The result of this processing is pushed to Wisteria. Either in a message that the sale is booked or that an error occurred. The endpoints
Errors and Processed can be used to retrieve this information. So for the Order entity the OrderError entity gives the errors encountered
and the OrdersProcessed entity gives the succesfull pushes.
Webwinkelfacturen expects that partners have a process to automatically add sales from the external shop to Wisteria. The partner can
use the API for this.
Due to privacy restriction a sale that is succesfully pushed will automatically be removed from Wisteria. Only the orderid and the orderdate
will be kept. Sales that are not succesfully pushed will be retried for at most three days. After that the sale and the order will be removed.
We advise partners to get a process in place to resubmit sales to Wisteria. This way the sale can be resubmitted at a later time.
The reporting
Webwinkelfacturen will send weekly or monthly emails to the Wisteria merchants. We advise Wisteria merchants to check the administration
on a weekly base. If there are any problems it is better to know as soon as possible, so that the problems can be solved.
Are you looking for instructions how to add, read and remove data to and from Wisteria? Here you can find How to's including code examples.
You can choose which entities to use. You can add sales via the order, invoice, receipt, refund and closure endpoints. You can add additional information via the customer, taxes, payment-methods and category endpoints. You can collect the financial transaction for the accounting system.
Once your data is added to Wisteria the connection with the accounting/invoicesystem can be configured provided the merchant has subscribed to an accounting connection. The sale will automatically be pushed from Wisteria to the accountingsystem. More details how this can be done and some do's and don'ts….